Quantum Fear


In this thriller, former clandestine agent Clayton Wolfe leads an unconventional team to find and secure a free-energy device that could revolutionize or destroy the world.
It is 1982 when Clayton Wolfe’s nemesis, Devon Barnes, appears uninvited on Wolfe’s doorstep at his remote cabin in the deep woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Barnes threatens to kill Terri Sommers if Wolfe doesn’t find a local professor who has disappeared along with his world-destabilizing inventions in dark energy. Sommers, who enlisted Wolfe’s help to solve a previous mystery, is an AP investigative reporter with whom Wolfe developed a romantic relationship.
Wolfe recruits several former clandestine associates, as well as the local sheriff and coroner. He also persuades Terri to join the investigation to keep her safe and to bring her back into his life. Mayhem ensues as a KGB assassin appears on the scene, and deadly incidents befall several of Wolfe’s former associates.
As Wolfe, Terri, and crew battle these forces, they race to locate the professor and safeguard his invention. Covert plots swirl as mysterious agents arrive to counter their every move. The action culminates in a fast-paced battle to save themselves and the world.
Quantum Fear is the second novel in the Clayton Wolfe trilogy. Check out Death Sine (#1) and Knight Watch (#3). Each are standalone thrillers but reading the full trilogy is highly recommended to best enjoy the character development.

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